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Benha University has participated in the events of the European Standards and Guidelines in Higher Education Conference 2016 which held in the Dutch capital of Amsterdam in the duration from Monday, 14/03/2016 to Tuesday, 15/03/2016 in the presence of Mr. Alexandre Wipf, the Secretary General of EURASHE .

       It is worth mentioning that the University has been represented by Prof. Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ghanem, the Director of E-learning Center.




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The Council of Benha University has approved under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President and by the attendance of the University Vice-presidents and Deans to establish new department for architecture at the faculty of engineering, Benha to serve the labor market requirements according to the strategic plan of the faculty.

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A delegation from Benha University under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs visited the Saudi Cultural Attaché in Cairo to discuss the scientific and research cooperation ways. The Delegation was received by Dr. Maged Abdullah, the Cultural Attaché in the Saudi Embassy in Cairo. 

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Sunday, 13 March 2016 00:00

Courses in Chinese Language and Culture




        In cooperation with Confucius Institute in Cairo University, the Center of Foreign Languages in Benha University announces for courses in Chinese Language and Culture (first level) for the University students and staff as well as sons of Qalyoubia.




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Prof. Dr. Ghazy M.R. Assassa, the Chief Information Officer ‹‹CIO›› said that in the frame of providing the scientific databases for researchers and students in Benha University, the University invites faculty members, researchers and students to attend a workshop about ‹‹Introduction to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank›› that will be held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of the University on Wednesday, 16/03/2016, 10:00am at the Great Hall of Celebrations

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        Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Maghrabi, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor, Benha University said that the Faculty hosts more than 40 researchers from various countries in the 3rd International Conference for Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture which will be held in the duration from 05/04/2016 to 09/04/2016.




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Dr. Mosbeh El Kohiely, the General Manager of the Youth Welfare Department in Benha University said that the Scientific and Technological Activity participated in the 8th Scientific Forum of the Egyptian Universities which organized by Helwan University. Hel also referred Benha University got the 1st place between 16 participated universities.

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      In the frame of contribution in developing the higher education, Benha University hosts Dr. John Cavanaugh, the President and CEO of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area to discuss the challenges facing higher education institutes on Wednesday, 24/02/2016 at the University Celebrations Hall.

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      The Council of Benha University has approved under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the University President to grant the scientific degree “Master and PhD” for 35 researchers from the faculties of engineering, arts, commerce, agriculture, physical education and science.

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      Benha University has received in the celebration of the Pathway to Higher Education Project on the occasion of its 12th anniversary since its launching. The celebration has been held at the faculty of engineering, Cairo University. It is worth mentioning that Benha University has been represented by Prof. Dr. Abdo Mahdy, the Coordinator of the Project and Prof. Dr. Mohamed El Sayed, the Director of the Research Services Center.

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