Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to be a leading regional entity in the field of law and social participation...


Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to prepare a graduate who is capable to compete in the labor market...


Faculty of Law, Benha University has several Strategic goals as following: Improving the efficiency and adequacy of teaching staff...


BU president hosts the team of the National authority of quality assurance and Accreditation on the sidelines of his meetings the faculty of engineering/ Shubra students

BU president hosts the team of the National authority of quality assurance and Accreditation on the sidelines of his meetings the faculty of engineering/ Shubra students

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the BU president with prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs host the team of national authority of quality assurance and accreditation that is led by prof.Dr. Adel Zein, the professor in the faculty of engineering in Aswan, prof.Dr. Mohamed EL-Ghandour, the professor in the faculty of engineering in Port Said. This is done in the presence of prof.Dr. Ayman EL-Shehaby, the faculty's dean, prof.Dr. Saad Mahmoud Saad, the head of quality assurance and accreditation center, the faculty's deputies, the departments' heads, the programs coordinators in accordance with the renewal of the faculty's accreditation. In the meantime, BU president and the faculty's dean makes sure that the educational process is up and running.

Benha University invites its staff to participate in Cairo ICT 2022 exhibition

Benha University invites its staff to participate in Cairo ICT 2022 exhibition

 As Cairo ICT 2022 exhibition is now up and running from 27-11-2022 to 30-11-2022, Benha University invites its staff to take part in this exhibition. This one is held in the presence of the presidents of the governmental and the non-governmental Universities, the international Companies and the key authorities. For those interested, the students and the faculties' members are invited to kindly visit this link:


BU President presides over a meeting to talk about executive mechanisms of the Unified certificates center in the University

BU President presides over a meeting to talk about executive mechanisms of the Unified certificates center in the University

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the BU president presides over a meeting of the Unified certificates center in the presence of prof.Dr. Nasser El-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of students and educational affairs, Ms. Shereen Shawky, the University's secretary-general, prof.Dr. Ahmed EL-Bitar, the center's head, prof.Dr. Shady EL-Mashhad, the It advisor, the assistant secretary-generals in addition to the post-graduate and students affairs offices GMS. 

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