Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to be a leading regional entity in the field of law and social participation...


Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to prepare a graduate who is capable to compete in the labor market...


Faculty of Law, Benha University has several Strategic goals as following: Improving the efficiency and adequacy of teaching staff...


Benha University launches an awareness campaign to raise the protection and the awareness against Breast Cancer in accordance with the International Day of Breast Cancer awareness

Benha University launches an awareness campaign to raise the protection and the awareness against Breast Cancer in accordance with the International Day of Breast Cancer awareness

Benha University launches, under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president and Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, a campaign to raise the protection and the awareness against Breast Cancer in accordance with the International Day of Breast Cancer. It’s noteworthy that this Campaign comes in accordance with several activities done in coordination with MS. Rania Motaaz, the assistant secretary-general of the environment service and community development to raise the awareness against this serios disease. On the other hand, the faculty of education organizes, under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Magdy EL- Shahat a forum to raise the awareness against this illness. The faculty of medicine and Prof.Dr. Mohamed EL-Al-Ashab, the dean of the faculty organizes another forum entitled: “healthy awareness… psychological support … social care”.

Bu president presides over a meeting of the take -care committee of Benha University’s branch in EL-Obour

Bu president presides over a meeting of the take -care committee of Benha University’s branch in EL-Obour

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the BU president and the assigned person to take-care Benha University’s branch in EL-Obour presides over the meeting of the take-care committee pf Benha University’s branch In Obour to make sure that the educational process and the exams are up and running. This is done in the presence of Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the academic manager of Benha University’s branch in EL-Obour, several deans of the governmental faculties that are represented in the committee of the non-governmental university, the faculties and programs’ supervisors, the University’s secretary-general, the assistant secretary-general of the financial affairs, the acting secretary-general of the non-governmental university, the students activities general coordinator and the vice IT advisor of Benha University.

On Thursday, the candidature of students’ union elections will be opened in Benha University

On Thursday, the candidature of students’ union elections will be opened in Benha University

 Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the BU president announces that the youth care departments in the university’s faculties will initiate, on Thursday, to be handed the nomination forms of students’ Unions elections for the new academic year 2022/2023. He announces that there will be a central committee under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students’ affairs in order to keep an eye on the elections in its different stages and there will also be subordinate committees in the University’s faculties to supervise the elections and facilitate the hardships that may hinder its procedures. It’s noteworthy that these committees have the vice dean of the students’ and education affairs, several the faculties’ members, the youth care department employees and unnominated students as its members. It is also important to say that the runoff voting will be held in 5th of December, the elections of the committee-secretaries and their assistants’ elections in the faculties will be held in 6th of December, the elections of the students’ union and his deputy will be held in 7th of December and the process of election will be over in 8th of December.

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