Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to be a leading regional entity in the field of law and social participation...


Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to prepare a graduate who is capable to compete in the labor market...


Faculty of Law, Benha University has several Strategic goals as following: Improving the efficiency and adequacy of teaching staff...


El Gizawy inspects the Aptitude Tests at Faculties of Applied Arts and Physical Education

El Gizawy inspects the Aptitude Tests at Faculties of Applied Arts and Physical Education

Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University has inspected the aptitude tests at faculties of Applied Arts and Physical Education in presence of Dr. Osama Salah, the Faculty of Physical Education dean and Dr.Abd El Moamen Shams El Din, the Faculty of Applied Arts dean and deputies of both faculties. El Gizawy inspected the necessary preparations for conducting the aptitude tests for its faculties 2021/2022 for students holding secondary school certificate, its equivalent (Arab and foreign), and the technical certificates.
. He added that there are four faculties at Benha University are holding aptitude tests as following ; Faculty of physical education, Faculty specific education (art and music education departments), and Faculty of Applied Arts and Faculty of Nursing . It is worth mentioning that the aptitude tests have been started in August 7 and lasts till 19 of August 2021 according to the time plan of the Supreme Council of Universities. During his tour, Prof.Dr. Nasser El Gizawy inspected all the preventive and precautionary measures that have been taken to ensure the safety of the students and staff. For more details about aptitude tests, you can visit the following link;

In the Framework of Hayah Karima Initiative: Benha University continues launching Its Medical convoys for Shibin El Qanater Villages

In the Framework of Hayah Karima Initiative: Benha University continues launching Its Medical convoys for Shibin El Qanater Villages

The Community Service and Environment Development Sector and Directorate of Health Affairs in Qalyubia continued launching the medical convoys to Shibin El Qanater villages in the framework of Hayah Karima Initiative and by cooperation with Faculty of Medicine and under auspices of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University and Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs.
Dr. Gamal Sousa said that the university organized a medical convoy to the village of Kafr Shibin in cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine and the Directorate of Health Affairs in Qalyubia, within the framework of the societal role that Benha University plays to serve citizens. He also added that that the medical convoy with the door-knocking system is to ensure that free medical services and medicines reach their beneficiaries inside their homes as a precautionary measure in light of the Corona pandemic. For her part, Dr.Nermin Adly , the Faculty deputy for Community Service and Environment Affairs , said that 300 physicians from Faculty of Medicine from various specialties and departments have participated at the medical convoy to serve citizens.

Benha University vaccinates 602 of its Students and Staff on the Second day of Vaccination

Benha University vaccinates 602 of its Students and Staff on the Second day of Vaccination

The medical teams at Benha University have continued their work for the second day in succession to vaccinate Benha University students and staff to encounter Corona Virus.
On the other hand, Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the Acting President of Benha University said that the medical teams have vaccinated 602 of its employees and students at faculty of Applied Arts and Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligence. It's worth mentioning that Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs and Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs have inspected vaccination process at both faculties.

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