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Honoring the Participants of the Physical Rehabilitation Sessions in the Faculty of Physical Education in Benha

Honoring the Participants of the Physical Rehabilitation Sessions in the Faculty of Physical Education in Benha

The Community service and environment development sector organizes, under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Magraby, the supervisor of the service and environment development sector, prof.Dr. Osama Salah, the dean of the faculty of physical education, prof. Dr. Ashraf Seaim, the faculty deputy of the Community service and environment development sector and Ms. Ranya  Motaz Amin, the assistant  secretary general of the service and environment development sector, the proceedings of honorary ceremony of the participants in the physical rehabilitation sessions at the faculty of physical education.

The Inauguration of Textile Products for a Decent Life Exhibition in the Faculty of Specific Education

The Inauguration of Textile Products for a Decent Life Exhibition in the Faculty of Specific Education

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the University president, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of education and student affairs inaugurates the exhibition of textile products for a decent life that is organized by the faculty of specific education. It takes place in the benha's culture center in the presence of prof.Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, the faculty's deputies and the faculty's members.

Benha University Organizes the First Smart Cities Hackathon in Egypt

Benha University Organizes the First Smart Cities Hackathon in Egypt

Benha University is going to organize the first Egyptian Hackathon about smart cities at the level of the State in the period from 24 to 26 March, 2022. The Hackathon is going to be held under auspices of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and in cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research and Amazon Web Services. Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President said that Benha University's keenness on this important event comes from the belief in the role of higher education and scientific research in supporting digital transformation. He also added that the constant work aims to achieve the objectives of Egypt's Vision 2030 by shifting towards a knowledge-based digital economy, encouraging innovation, research and development.
He also mentioned that holding the first Hackathon in the field of smart cities comes with the purpose of promoting and motivating young programmers and people with ideas and visions to present their smart ideas and their projects that contribute in improving the level of constructing buildings and controlling cities, as well as the keenness to contribute at constructing the New Administrative Capital to be the first smart city in Egypt.
Benha University president has mentioned that the Hackathon will witness a race among participant teams of students from both public and private Egyptian universities who are going to work on finding innovative solutions in various fields such as; smart buildings, smart facilities, smart parks, smart transportation, smart traffic, smart hospitals, smart recycling, smart monitoring, smart energy, smart management, smart schools and smart universities. It is noteworthy that the winners of the Hackathon will receive financial prizes totaling 100,000 Egyptian pounds which provided by Benha University, in addition to valuable prizes provided by Amazon Web Services. The winners will also have a great opportunity to market their innovations to the Egyptian private universities.
Check the following link for more detail about the Hackathon and how to apply for it: https://bu.edu.eg/en/competitions/hackathon.php

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