In the frame of Benha University policy for openness to the world and building a strong partnership with the global universities; Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abu Salem, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has visited Ohio State University in the United States of America to discuss the cooperation ways between the two Universities in the field of veterinary science.
Elsevier invites Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ghanem to join the Editorial Board of a Scientific Journal
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ghanem, the Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Director of E-learning, Benha University has received an invitation from Elsevier to join the editorial board of Veterinary and Animal Science Journal which is a scientific journal specialized in Veterinary science and issued by Elsevier.
Students of Benha University visits VSVRI
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abu Salem, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University has announced the first external field visiting for students participated in the project “By-Students Endemic Diseases of Farm Animals Book” to Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute (VSVRI).