Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to be a leading regional entity in the field of law and social participation...


Faculty of Law, Benha University, seeks to prepare a graduate who is capable to compete in the labor market...


Faculty of Law, Benha University has several Strategic goals as following: Improving the efficiency and adequacy of teaching staff...


The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members and teaching staff

The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members and teaching staff

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The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members (professor- assistant professor- lecturer) and teaching staff (assistant lecturer- demonstrator) for the following faculties:

  • The faculty of medicine
  • The faculty of optical arts and design
  • The program of inner design and furniture
  • The program of media and advertisement
  • The program of sculpture, civil engineering and reformation
  • The faculty of economics and business administration
  • The program of business administration and international relationships
  • The program of digital marketing and electronic works
  • The program of economics and international finance
  • The program of accounting and business informatics

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