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Items filtered by date: December 2021

The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members (professor- assistant professor- lecturer) and teaching staff (assistant lecturer- demonstrator) for the following faculties:

  • The faculty of medicine
  • The faculty of optical arts and design
  • The program of inner design and furniture
  • The program of media and advertisement
  • The program of sculpture, civil engineering and reformation
  • The faculty of economics and business administration
  • The program of business administration and international relationships
  • The program of digital marketing and electronic works
  • The program of economics and international finance
  • The program of accounting and business informatics
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The general / Abdel Hamid EL-Hagan, the governor of Qualubia and prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president attends the University's ceremony of the great June revolution. The general /Bahgat Mohamed Farid delivers the speech in this ceremony that was held in Benha University. It was held in the presence of  prof.Dr. Tamer Smair, prof.Dr.  Mahmoud Eraqi, prof.Dr. Samir Hamad, the faculties' deans and deputies, the military consultant of Qualubia governorate, Mrs. Shreen Shawky, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, prof.Dr. Ahmed Naguib, prof.Dr. Hani Zakaria, the members of parliament, the assistant secretaries and the university's studetns.

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Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated Prof. Dr.Ramdan Mohamed; the Professor of Educational Psychology at Benha Faculty of Education, and the Director of the National Examination Center after assuming Position of Assistant Minister of Education for Assessment and Examination Systems.
For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa said that, this choice is an honor for both Faculty of Education and Benha University that one of its professors has been chosen for that position. Prof. Gamal Sosa expressed his happiness with this achievement, which is added to the achievements' balance of Benha University, noting that the University is rich with many scientists and professors in various scientific and research fields who have achieved successes that are the pride of the University and all its employees

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Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated Prof.Dr. Randa Mustafa, Benha University Vice- President for Community Service Affairs after after electing her as Vice-President of the Women's Region in the African Parliament. For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa said that, this choice is an honor for Benha University that one of its professors has been chosen for that position.
Prof. Gamal Sosa expressed his happiness with this achievement, which is added to the achievements' balance of Benha University, noting that the University is rich with many scientists and professors in various scientific and research fields who have achieved successes that are the pride of the University and all its employees.

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Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs after his joining to the distinguished scientists list in mechanical engineering at the level of Africa and the world.
For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa said that, this choice is an honor for both Faculty of Engineering at Shubra and Benha University that one of its professors has been chosen as a member of the best world scientists in his field of specialization. Prof. Gamal Sosa expressed his happiness with this achievement, which is added to the achievements' balance of Benha University, noting that the University is rich with many scientists and professors in various scientific and research fields who have achieved successes that are the pride of the University and all its employees.

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The Supreme Council of Universities held its regular meeting at the headquarters of Benha University in El-Obour, the meeting was headed by Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific and in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Latif, Secretary of the Council and members of the Council. The council thanked Benha University staff that headed by Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President to host the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities. The Minister of Higher Education confirmed on the readiness of all universities and institutes for the second semester exams for the academic year 2021/2022 .He also stressed the necessity of the commitment of faculty members and their assistants to attend exams to ensure discipline and the successful conduct of exams process. The Minister also stressed that all students must adhere to precautionary and preventive measures throughout their stay on the campus, noting the need to wear a medical mask "the mask", adhere to social distancing and bring all personal and written tools, as well as not Being inside the university campus after completing exams, in order to preserve the safety of students and all other members. The Minister also directed to raise the state of readiness of university hospitals during the exams period at the end of the current academic year. The Minister directed that all faculties should quickly finish announcing the results of the exams at the end of the second semester of the 2021-2022.

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Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research inspected this morning facilities and equipment of Ahlia Benha University in El Obour City. The minister was accompanied by Major General Abdel Hamid El Hagan, Governor of Qalyubia, and Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President, Prof. Anwar Ismail, Executive Director of the Technical Consultation, Studies and Research Fund at the Ministry, a number of leaders of the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces and a group of the University leaders. It's worth mentioning that the Minister inspected the main University building and faculties' buildings which include auditoriums, training classes, laboratories, administrative offices and training workshops equipped with the latest technological means, to provide a distinguished educational experience for students. For his part, Dr.Adel Abd El Ghaffar, the Media Adviser and Official Spokesperson of the Ministry said that Ahlia Benha University is located on an area of 37 acres, with implementation rates of 72%, the main building works have been completed, and the final interior finishes are going to be finished soon.

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Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President honored Eng.Ibrahim El Araby ; the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Elaraby Group , President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Chairman of the Egyptian-Japanese Business Council after receiving the Order of the Rising Sun from the Japanese Emperor. The meeting was held in presence of Oka Hiroshi, the Japanese ambassador in Cairo, , Tsukazaki Daisuke, the cultural advisor at the Japanese Embassy in Cairo , Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Tamer Samir, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and deans of the following faculties ; Science Applied Arts , Agriculture , Medicine , Nursing , Engineering and Computer and Artificial Intelligence , Dr.Mahran El Nagar , Director of the International Relations Office at the university and Dr. Ayman Samir , the Japanese Relations Coordinator at the University. For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa said that Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby is one of the honorable Egyptian models. He also praised the El-Araby groups as one of the national companies supporting the Egyptian industry. He also added that within the framework of cooperation and communication with businessmen and industry in Qalyubia governorate, Benha University organized the first community meeting to discuss the challenges facing industry in Qalyubia governorate and the proposed solutions, stressing that the University was keen to organize this forum to achieve real communication with the industrial community ,to take serious ,real steps towards a solution , solving its existing problems and to contribute to the development of its production with practical and innovative solutions . For his part, Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby expressed his happiness with honoring of Benha University, pointing out that El-Araby Group is keen to communicate with the University and benefit from its research and scientific centers to serve the industry, praising Benha University graduates in various departments that serve the industry sector. Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby indicated that the El-Araby Group since its inception has been keen to strengthen ways of cooperation with the Japanese side and to sign a set of agreements to serve the industry. It is worth mentioning that the Order of the Rising Sun is a high-level award that granted by the Emperor of Japan to non-Japanese people who have achieved outstanding achievements within Japan and the international community, in appreciation of his efforts to support economic and trade relations between Egypt and Japan and to increase trade exchange between the two countries.

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Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President received Oka Hiroshi, Ambassador of Japan in Cairo and Tsukazaki Daisuke, the Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Japan in Cairo to discuss ways to enhance cooperation between the two sides in the fields of education, scientific research, student and faculty members exchange .
The meeting was held in presence of Eng. Ibrahim El-Araby; President of the General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, Chairman of the Egyptian-Japanese Business Council , Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Tamer Samir, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and deans of the following faculties ; Science Applied Arts , Agriculture , Medicine , Nursing , Engineering and Computer and Artificial Intelligence , Dr.Mahran El Nagar , Director of the International Relations Office at the university and Dr. Ayman Samir , the Japanese Relations Coordinator at the University. For his part, Prof. Gamal Sosa stressed Benha University' s keenness on joint cooperation with Japan in the field of higher education and scientific research, praising the distinguished level of educational and scientific relations between Egyptian and Japanese universities and the benefit of Japanese technology in many distinguished study programs that serve the industry and labor market needs. On the other hand, The Japanese ambassador expressed his happiness with this meeting, as well as the constructive cooperation with Benha University, praising the development witnessed by the Egyptian higher education system and Egyptian Universities, and the advanced positions they have achieved in various scientific and research fields. The meeting also witnessed a discussion about signing a memorandum of understanding between the Japanese embassy and Benha University, organizing a Japanese cultural day at the university, as well as discussing the experience of Japanese university graduates, in addition to discussing ways of cooperation and exchange of students and faculty members. The meeting also witnessed the possibility of JICA support for the establishment of the new University hospital and cooperation in space sciences and research projects with the Japanese side. The Japanese department at Faculty of Arts presented artistic performances which left a great impact on the Japanese ambassador, his companions, and the audience. The artistic performance has been held under the auspices of Dr. Abeer Al Rabat, the Faculty of Arts dean, and Dr. Muhammad Abu Arab, The Faculty deputy for Education and Student Affairs.

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Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President witnessed the celebrations of Benha University Hospitals on the occasion of the International Nursing Day. The celebration has been held in presence of ; Dr. Mohamed El Ashhab , the Faculty of medicine dean , Dr.Marwa Mustafa , the Faculty of Nursing dean , Dr. Amr El-Dakhakhny, Executive Director of University Hospitals ,Military Adviser to Qalyubia Governorate , faculty of Nursing deputies and professors . For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa mentioned that President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi , President of Egypt appreciates the vital role and efforts of Nursing staff in the health field and he also stresses the importance of their effective role, which was evident in combating the Corona virus and providing nursing services to patients. He also added that the martyrs of nursing staff during the pandemic and their sacrifice in order to relieve patients and preserve the public health of citizens won' be forgotten and it will remain a luminous sign in our modern history. Dr.Gamal Sosa also thanked the nursing staff at Benha University hospitals for their distinguished role in operations and treatment, the great services that serve the patient, in addition to the humanitarian role of the nursing staff, as they are an essential pillar for the continued success of the medical system and he also stressed his complete and continuous support to them to reach to the best professional level. On the other hand, Dr. Mohamed El Ashhab, the Faculty of Medicine dean said that Nursing is a noble and humanitarian profession that aims to save humans and they also contribute to relieving patients' pain, especially during the Corona virus epidemic, so they played a vital role in saving patients and providing psychological and moral support for them.

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